Introduction to Micro Worldview Thinking

Micro-worldviews, your key to communicating

Worldview – a way of looking at the world. 

We all have a primary worldview.

These are the glasses through which we look at and interpret our thoughts and the events we experience.  A worldview is a comprehensive way of looking at life that connects the parts into a whole. 

Everyone has a worldview regardless of their personal awareness of its existence.  Everyone has a way of patterning their worldview and many organizations exist that attempt to make sense out of worldview thinking.

Most worldview systems center on various systems of thinking that have developed through history and through the efforts of mankind to define existence and make sense of it.  Within this structure, the worldviews are compared and contrasted and conclusions are drawn regarding how they differ from one another and in some cases how they differ from biblical revelation. 

For example, Summit Ministries ( produces a worldview system based upon the categories of biblical Christianity, Islam, secular  humanism, Marxism-Leninism, cosmic humanism and postmodernism.  As a discipline based system of worldview thinking, Summit Ministries is effective in their approach. This is an excellent resource I would recommend to anyone.

Answers in Exodus, that book being regarded as the ethical foundation of Truth and thereby of Bound2TRUTH, takes a different approach towards worldview thinking. 

Our methodology, developed through two decades of research, presents worldview thinking based upon the capacities of humans according to the design of our Creator.  We call that Microworldviews©.

These worldview centers take in our capacity to think (what we call our mind), to feel (what we experience as emotion) and to obey (how we act as the outcome of our will).  By using this pattern even from within an alternative philosophical or religious basis, all systems of thinking and believing can be addressed on an individual level. That is, what is assessed is how that individual wills from within their own worldview. How that individual approaches their claims will differ from person to person. Using Microworldview individual claims from within that system, whatever it may be. and how they may personally differ from biblical revelation. This is worldview thinking on an individual – micro – level rather than on a macro – cultural level.

Bible Teaching and the Will

Torah (תורה) is a Hebrew word that means teaching and instruction and within that teaching it may contain the concept of law as something that must be done.  It comes from a root word yarah (ירה) which means to throw or to cast.  An archer “throws” an arrow in a direction in order to hit its target.  In a similar manner, a teacher “throws” a student in a direction and torah defines the direction of the throw, the target.

From the beginning God has given us His teaching and instruction regarding life, and we recognize that from the beginning, this instruction has been morally based, effecting the will of His creatures.  In the garden He commanded His creation Adam regarding his connection to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

“The LORD God commanded the man, saying, ‘Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it; for in the day that you eat of it you will surely die.’” (Genesis 2:16-17)

The expectation from God was obedience to the command “you shall not eat.”  In the balance was whether Adam and Eve would follow this command or react  based on an interpretation of the command in some other way.  In the temptation of Eve we can understand for the first time the conflict between a will based worldview and those based upon the mind or emotion.  The description of her response to the temptation is found in the next chapter of Genesis.

“When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit, and ate; and she gave some to her husband with her, and he ate.  The eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked.” (Genesis 3:6-7a)

The challenge of the Tempter came through an appeal to her emotions, the experiential center.  She “saw that the tree was good for food” and “that it was a delight to the eyes” and both appealed to her desire for the experience of the tree.

In addition it was “desirable to make one wise,” an appeal to her mind, to having knowledge she did not presently possess.  

The one worldview center the Tempter left off was the will, the center of obedience.  In this area, what could he have said?  “I want you to obey me (another creature) rather than the one who created us both,” would only have highlighted his request to shift her worldview center from her will (“you shall not eat”) to another center.  The Apostle John refers to these worldview centers in his first epistle, acknowledging the same pattern.

“For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, isn’t the Father’s, but is the world’s.  The world is passing away with its lusts, but he who does God’s will remains forever.”  (John 2:16-17) 

The world as a system of understanding makes its appeal through knowledge and emotion as primary means of creating a worldview system.  God’s “worldview system” – His revealed will, is based upon the obedience of His creatures.  “The world is passing away with its lusts,” is a dead end system of living , however the one “who does God’s will abides forever.”

These are the worldview battles as defined from the beginning and the resources of Answers in Exodus are here to help you understand the importance of living from a will based worldview and through that interpreting the others.  We provide materials to help understand how to interpret and communicate across worldview centers including communication skills training (James 1:19 Straight to the Heart), content training and combinations of the two: content and delivery across key topics of dispute.

Micro Worldviews©

Answers in Exodus and the book it is named for, is the Scriptural center upon which Bound2TRUTH is founded. We are a Colorado not-for-profit corporation dedicated to equipping 21st century disciples with the love and power of a 1st century faith by applying the will based principles of Torah, God’s teaching and instruction about life. Through this foundation, which came through biblical revelation, we are bringing that revelation to all of life including ending child sacrifice, i.e. abortion and ending the medical experimentation of the Transgender Industrial Complex on our vulnerable children. Answers in Exodus and Bound2TRUTH can be contacted at: 

Bound2TRUTH, PO Box 2131, Castle Rock, CO  80104 or by email at

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