Defend the Orphan Plead for the Widow
What might happen if every Hebraic congregation in the United States made this commitment: (whether you call yourself Messianic, Netzarim, Orthodox Jewish, or some other title including Christian and believe the Torah still applies to you, we are all Hebraic)
“We are making the commitment to support a single mother who has decided to keep her baby and give it life. Whether financial, emotional, or spiritual support, or just being there when it gets tough, we are going to follow through on this commitment even when it becomes inconvenient or difficult.”
One congregation, one mother for starters. That would be a significant impact, and we could also lead others by example, demonstrating why and how we do this.
This one effort – to defend and plead – takes care of all the others. It stops evil, does good, seeks justice, straightens the oppressor and relieves the oppressed, and defends the husbandless woman and fatherless baby.
Recently, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said these two things back to back:
“As a devout Catholic and mother of five in six years, I feel that God blessed my husband and me with our beautiful family,” and in the same breath claimed that taxpayer-funded abortions are a “priority.” “It’s an issue of fairness and justice for poorer women in our country … the right thing to do.”
San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone responded: “To use the smokescreen of abortion as an issue of health and fairness to poor women is the epitome of hypocrisy. What about the health of the baby being killed? What about giving poor women real choice, so they are supported in choosing life?”
The Archbishop has it correct. Ms. Pelosi was born March 26, 1940, when her life was protected in the womb, born to a Roman Catholic mother who would never have considered abortion. Now, she not only condones child sacrifice, but she goes all out to make it even more common than it is.
When we support a woman who cannot afford to carry her baby to term and give her that opportunity, we support generations to come with life. Real choice comes with a higher price tag as did you and I.
Read on in this section for Scripture-based ways we wrestle with obeying these commands of the Giver of Life.