Psalm 119:160 The sum of your word is truth

Who Is Bound2TRUTH?

Bound2Truth is convinced that only when we bring the entire Bible – The Wholly Bible – into our culture wars, and introduce a foundation of Truth with the Gospel of Israel’s Messiah as the answer, can we end the rampant evil that is gripping our nation.

Truth holders fought a good fight, and our battle has been directed towards one front. That front has been the least of these among us, the baby in a womb.

We have battled the god of child sacrifice on many sides. That has been a good and noble fight, and we have been in it for decades. With the returning of the question when life begins back to the states, the Dobbs decision regarding Roe v Wade has also opened new frontlines on the state level. Dobbs never answered the question “When does life begin?” but avoided it entirely and completely left in place that question from Roe v. Wade. Consider this from that 1973 document:

We need not resolve the difficult question of when life begins. When those trained in the respective disciplines of medicine, philosophy, and theology are unable to arrive at any consensus, the judiciary, at this point in the development of man’s knowledge, is not in a position to speculate as to the answer.”[p160] . .

What many have missed, and the media largely ignored, is that Dobbs did not overturn the lack of recognition of a baby as a person. The language of Roe regarding “potential life” was left completely intact and the Justices sidestepped any kind of decision in that area. Bound2TRUTH believes every baby from the point of conception and into ongoing development, is fully a person and is therefore protected by the 14th Amendment which reads:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

What they missed is “all persons born” and not “all potential persons who survive to their birth” which is what Roe v Wade asserted. That was left unchanged, but now we have another similar battle regarding who gets to decide on another front.

While we have been defending and working to defeat the great cult of child sacrifice, there was another war developing. This threat has been building for years and it is now not only becoming highly visible, it is also relentless and incredibly wicked. The difference is that the target this time is not our children in the womb. It is our children outside the womb, our vulnerable young who are under the age of 18.

There have been attempts to allow abortion “post-natal” up to the age of 30 days that have failed. To destroy our children, the spirit of our age, the cult of abortion is now attacking using sexual differentiation as the foundation attack point.

In abortion the questions was “When does life begin?” with new life beginning at the point of fertilization of an egg.

The battle point now is “Who get’s to decide the sex of a baby?” Just like abortion, life being given by God at the point of conception, sex is assigned by God at the same point. But like abortion, God is not “allowed” to declare life no less than he is “allowed” to assign sex.

What we have now is the battle between sex and gender, gender now open to whatever someone imagines regardless of their genetic identity.

Female as XX and male as XY no longer defines anything in the illusion of those who are forcing their lies upon the rest of us. Where there is a difference of opinion (and mark this as opinion) this is now labeled as “gender dysphoria”, imagined sex pitted against biological sex.

Many people are surprised to find out that children with gender dysphoria (confusion as to what it means to be male or female as defined by the American Psychiatric Association) are being prescribed puberty blockers as early as age ten, cross-sex hormones as early as age 12 or 13 and sometimes less, and double mastectomies for girls and castration for males as early as age 13 in countries throughout the world. Some professionals and transgender advocates say that gender-dysphoric teens should be able to have genital surgeries and hysterectomies before age 18 on the basis of informed consent, with no mental health assessment required, and no other permission needed. Parents are isolated and minimized in many countries.

Those countries include our own.

Bills are being passed in various states creating transgender sanctuary states (Colorado has lead the way) where these medical experiments are conducted without any parental notice. And in case anyone has forgotten, sex is binary: it is male or female. It is determined by chromosomal structure and corresponds to the reproductive role in the inherently binary process of the fusion of an egg and sperm, to form a zygote.

An individual’s sex is not “assigned” by doctors at birth. It is an immutable feature of human beings established at conception, when the person’s male (XY) or female (XX) genetic status is determined. No amount of drug infusions, surgeries or other life altering procedures can ever change that genetic status. When, for example, a female imagines she is male, she is still XX no matter what is done. All the interventions created by the Transgender Medical Industrial Complex Cult can never change that genetic marker present in every cell in a person’s body. Immutability is in biology.

This is one aspect of the TRUTH that Bound2TRUTH is fighting for.

Were you aware that the American Medical Association (AMA) is lobbying to have sex removed from the legal part of a birth certificate because it cannot be determined at birth? This is coming from doctors who should understand that bio – logical contains the word “logical”, a facet of truth they appear to have lost.

At the center, including that AMAhas a share, is the growing Transgender Medical Industrial Complex and for them this is a high stakes assault!

The Transgender Medical Industrial Complex is the union of the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American pharmaceutical industry (aka Big Pharma with investments and medication all over in this), the new industry of Culture including social media and our own government from the White House downtime line to school boards that are leadings out children into “transitioning” into medical experimentation that is at the least horrendous in its relentless pursuit of these young lives.

We now have the Transgender Medical Industrial Complex, which is in fact a “cult” attacking our children. By definition, a cult has three characteristics: isolate their followers from friends and family, punish doubts or questions, and require personal sacrifices/money from followers.

This is in essence, a current Jonestown but unlike that tragedy, the victims are not in a remote area. They are all around us and it is the Transgender Medical Industrial Complex Cult that is mixing the Kool Aid through the government, through the media and through other cult members to mislead.

We are in a position now where we must take on this Cult for the sake of our children. Yes they are huge with budgets exceeding the imagination.

In 2023, propelled by its Covid-19 predicts, Pfizer alone passed $100 billion in revenues, the first time over that mark for any pharmaceutical company. Johnson & Johnson was close with $94.9 billion on 2022 and in 2022, Big Pharma had worldwide revenues of 1.48 Trillion U.S. dollars. That surpassed the total of defense spending which was below $900 billion. And those are the revenues of only Big Pharma and not the government or the media or other players.

We are left with one option and that is to attack, when and where we are able. While attacking we are also defending our children from present and future attacks. Feeling a bit like David facing Goliath? Good!

This is Bound2TRUTH and we are in this battle to win: failure is not an option.

We have weapons the Transgender Medical Industrial Complex Cult knows nothing about. Their weapons are bound to the physical realm from which they operate. Their abilities are marshaled by their own resources. That is all they have. We have 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.

Of course, we are living in the world, but we do not wage war in a world-like way. For the weapons of our warfare are not those of the world. Instead, they have the power of God to demolish fortresses. We tear down arguments and every proud obstacle that is raised against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive in order to obey the Messiah. ISV

We have divinely powerful weapons that we battle with against which they have no defense. We are organizing into this battle to tear down strongholds in individual and cultural thinking and acting through the spiritual weapons that are fully locked and loaded and lined up in God’s armory waiting for warriors to pick them up.

So how do abolish that cult?

Attacking where they are the most defenseless, where they are most vulnerable and by our moving from defense to offense as quickly as possible. We must wake up to the fact that we are in a war and we must use our weapons as they are designed. These are the weapons of our warfare and against these the Transgender Medical Industrial Complex Cult cannot defend.

Our Weapons

Prayer. This is the core of our attack and includes our Silent Prayer Sieges. These are where our mouths are taped shut with white tape with TRUTH written with a marking pen. Here we stand in place of and with our children whose voices have been silenced, and where we have been physically silenced with them. The Transgender Medical Industrial Complex may be able to silence the voices of our children – and ours to some extent – but for our children, we are standing with them and for them. They may also do their best to silence our voices, but they cannot silence our prayers. We meet in groups wherever the lies are being marketed, places like transgender clinics, legislatures or city councils passing bills to empower teachers to counsel secretly apart from parents and hide “transitioning” from families. And we stand together and pray silently for the silenced and for this blatant wickedness to be ended. When asked in the future by our children “Where were you when they were butchering us?” We want to be able to say “Right there on the front lines.”

Knowledge of the True Truth. That is a significant part of Bound2TRUTH and this website. We are an educational warehouse with the best cutting edge research that demonstrates this is a planned and well funded attack on our children. This includes the exposing of America’s own Drug Cartel, Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex which has gotten abortifacients onto the shelves at Walgreens. These are the ones who are at the helm of transitioning vulnerable children resulting in supplying their pharmaceutical needs for the rest of their lives. The profit margin for Big Pharma is huge and is only eclipsed by their margin for unconscionable wickedness.

Prayer Untaped, and Out Loud Together. When we meet for a Silent Prayer Siege, we close with our prayer adapted from Bound4LIFE, the red tape people and our sister organization that has LIFE written on their red tape. They have been fighting abortion this way for a long time and the effect is becoming visible. Their prayer is a 22 word prayer, written in 22 words to replace the prayer taken down by the Supreme Court when they ruled prayer in schools unconstitutional. These 22 word prayers acknowledge where the battles began, and acknowledge we do not give up but rely on the One who created XX and XY. For God, who never changes, there are two genders as he made us, male or female.

The Bound2TRUTH prayer is: “Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God end wickedness and send revival to America.”

Communion in the Bread of Life and the Cup of Redemption. For those choosing to participate in this act of dependence, we declare our trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus through sharing in a simple act of communion with bread and grape juice. This is the foundation of our warfare, which is not against flesh and blood, but is won through the flesh and blood of Jesus represented in this act. We are standing united together for the lives of our children to protect them from the Medical Industrial Complex and the Transgender Medical Industrial Complex which is warring against the innocent lives of our children. We are here to stir dead consciences to life and to reconsider what is happening and what each of us must do – confronting the lies with The Truth of God’s Law and The Power of God’s Gospel. Repentance is at the heart of our mission.

The Gospel of Our Messiah. Only the reconciliation and peace that is brought to bear through the good news of what Yeshua/Jesus accomplished through his death and resurrection is big enough, broad enough and loving enough to bring about an end to the ranting of the little god of this age, the Baal of wickedness, who comes only to steal, slaughter and destroy. Only the blood borne salvation of our Messiah is powerful enough to disarm this evil without destroying the evildoer, and powerful enough to set both the oppressed and the oppressors free.

Please join us in this battle. There is a 10 year old girl waiting for us who can have her life changed for the good. There is a 12 year old boy waiting for us so he can grow up to be a man. These are future parents, families and children at stake. Decisions made at these young ages have life-long consequences. Once transition has been made, this is now a story that cannot happen as God intended by choosing that child’s gender at conception, and the loss is theirs permanently. What we now have is a slave of the Transgender Medical Industrial Complex Cult for the rest of their lives.

We are here to support these victims with love, acceptance and understanding. We are here to hold the wicked accountable and stir their dead consciences with the reality of sin and the gospel. (see Psalm 147:6) We are here to WIN through the only LOVE that is powerful enough to bring this about!

We are Bound2TRUTH!